Velocity Classes for Modelling Doppler Broadening in Thermal Systems

So far the models we have considered are appropriate for ultracold systems with close-to-stationary atoms. For thermal atoms we might want to consider the averaging effect of motion in the line of propagation.

An atom moving with a velocity component \(v\) in the \(z\)-direction will interact with a Doppler-shifted field frequency \(\omega - kv\). This shift is effected over a 1D Maxwell-Boltzmann probability distribution function of velocity

\[f(v) = \frac{1}{u\sqrt{\pi}} \mathrm{e}^{-(kv/u)^2}\]

where the thermal width \(u = kv_w\), \(k\) is the wavenumber of the monochromatic field and \(v_w = 2k_b T/ M\) is the most probable speed of the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution for a temperature \(T\) and atomic mass \(m\).

In MaxwellBloch we model this by solving the system over a range of velocity_classes, each detuning the system from resonance. The results are convoluted over the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. The thermal width is provided in thermal_width in the same \(2\pi~\Gamma\) units as the decays and rabi_freqs. We provide velocity classes from thermal_delta_min to thermal_delta_max, again in units of \(2\pi~\Gamma\). The number of classes we choose to solve is given in thermal_delta_steps.

# Imports for plotting
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
mb_solve_json = """
  "atom": {
    "decays": [
        "channels": [[0, 1]],
        "rate": 1.0
    "fields": [
        "coupled_levels": [[0, 1]],
        "rabi_freq": 1.0e-3,
        "rabi_freq_t_args": {
          "ampl": 1.0,
          "centre": 0.0,
          "fwhm": 1.0
        "rabi_freq_t_func": "gaussian"
    "num_states": 2
  "t_min": -2.0,
  "t_max": 10.0,
  "t_steps": 1000,
  "z_min": -0.2,
  "z_max": 1.2,
  "z_steps": 50,
  "interaction_strengths": [
  "velocity_classes": {
    "thermal_delta_min": -0.1,
    "thermal_delta_max": 0.1,
    "thermal_delta_steps": 4,
    "thermal_width": 0.05
  "savefile": "velocity-classes"
from maxwellbloch import mb_solve
mbs = mb_solve.MBSolve().from_json_str(mb_solve_json)

We can check the set of velocity classes we’ve defined:

array([-0.1 , -0.05,  0.  ,  0.05,  0.1 ])

The weights of the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution at these deltas is given by:

array([0.03289253, 0.6606641 , 1.79587122, 0.6606641 , 0.03289253])

And so we can plot the numerical approximation to the Gaussian Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution:

maxboltz = mb_solve.maxwell_boltzmann(mbs.thermal_delta_list,
plt.plot(mbs.thermal_delta_list, maxboltz, marker='o');
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7feb41694990>]

It is useful to look at what the numerical integration looks like for these velocity classes. If it is close to 1, the thermal distribution should be well covered.

np.trapz(mbs.thermal_weights, mbs.thermal_delta_list)

Now we can solve as before. Now at each \(z\)-step, the system will be solved thermal_delta_steps times, once for each velocity class, and so the time taken to solve scales linearly.

Omegas_zt, states_zt = mbs.mbsolve(recalc=False)
Loaded tuple object.

Results in the Time Domain

fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(16, 6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
cmap_range = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0e-3, 11)
cf = ax.contourf(mbs.tlist, mbs.zlist,
ax.set_title('Rabi Frequency ($\Gamma / 2\pi $)')
ax.set_xlabel('Time ($1/\Gamma$)')
ax.set_ylabel('Distance ($L$)')
for y in [0.0, 1.0]:
    ax.axhline(y, c='grey', lw=1.0, ls='dotted')
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7feb419280d0>

Results in the Frequency Domain

For a two-level system in the linear regime, this convolution of a Lorentzian function with a Gaussian can be determined analytically and is known as a Voigt profile. It is provided in MaxwellBloch as spectral.voigt_two_linear_known(freq_list, decay_rate, thermal_width) so we can compare the simulation solution with the known analytic result.

from maxwellbloch import spectral, utility
interaction_strength = mbs.interaction_strengths[0]
decay_rate = mbs.atom.decays[0]['rate']
freq_list = spectral.freq_list(mbs)
absorption_linear_known = spectral.absorption_two_linear_known(freq_list,
    interaction_strength, decay_rate)
dispersion_linear_known = spectral.dispersion_two_linear_known(freq_list,
    interaction_strength, decay_rate)

fig = plt.figure(4, figsize=(16, 6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
pal = sns.color_palette('deep')

ax.plot(freq_list, spectral.absorption(mbs, 0, -1),
        label='Absorption', lw=5.0, c=pal[0])
ax.plot(freq_list, spectral.dispersion(mbs, 0, -1),
        label='Dispersion', lw=5.0, c=pal[1])

ax.plot(freq_list, absorption_linear_known, ls='dotted', c=pal[0], lw=2.0, label='Absorption, No Thermal')
ax.plot(freq_list, dispersion_linear_known, ls='dotted', c=pal[1], lw=2.0, label='Dispersion, No Thermal')

# Widths
hm, r1, r2 = utility.half_max_roots(freq_list, spectral.absorption(mbs, field_idx=0))
plt.hlines(y=hm, xmin=r1, xmax=r2, linestyle='dotted', color=pal[0])
plt.annotate('FWHM: ' + '%0.2f'%(r2 - r1), xy=(r2, hm), color=pal[0],
              xycoords='data', xytext=(5, 5), textcoords='offset points');

voigt = spectral.voigt_two_linear_known(freq_list, 1.0, 0.05).imag
ax.plot(freq_list, voigt, c='white',
    ls='dashed', lw=2.0, label='Known Absorption, Voigt Profile')

ax.set_xlim(-3.0, 3.0)
ax.set_ylim(-1.0, 1.0)
ax.set_xlabel('Frequency ($\Gamma$)')

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7feb41834a90>
# Plot residuals
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 2))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(freq_list, spectral.absorption(mbs, 0, -1) - voigt,
        label='Absorption', lw=2.0, c=pal[0])
ax.set_xlim(-3.0, 3.0)
ax.set_ylim(-3e-2, 3e-2)
ax.set_xlabel('Frequency ($\Gamma$)');
Text(0.5, 0, 'Frequency ($\\Gamma$)')

Adding Inner Steps

If the thermal width is much larger than the decay rate, you may wish to add a narrower band around the resonance frequency to sample the Lorentzian sufficiently while covering the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution efficiently. This can be done by providing an inner range defined by thermal_delta_inner_min, thermal_delta_inner_min and thermal_delta_inner_steps. Any duplicated velocity classes (in the constructed thermal_delta_list) will only be counted once. Below is an example.

vc = {
  "thermal_delta_min": -0.1,
  "thermal_delta_max": 0.1,
  "thermal_delta_steps": 4,
  "thermal_delta_inner_min": -0.05,
  "thermal_delta_inner_max": 0.05,
  "thermal_delta_inner_steps": 10,
  "thermal_width": 0.05

So the thermal delta range is \([-0.1, -0.05, 0.05, 1.0]\) and the inner range is \([-0.05, -0.04, \dots, 0.04, 0.05]\). These are combined to form:

[-0.1  -0.05 -0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01  0.    0.01  0.02  0.03  0.04  0.05
  0.1 ]
maxboltz = mb_solve.maxwell_boltzmann(mbs.thermal_delta_list, 2*np.pi*mbs.velocity_classes['thermal_width'])
plt.plot(mbs.thermal_delta_list, maxboltz, marker='o');
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7feb41722850>]